What We Can Do

Traction Therapy

Back pain is a debilitating condition that is affecting a growing portion of the population. While many sufferers of back pain opt to use over-the-counter medication as a means of treatment, this does not fix the underlying problem. Aggressive treatment options often require extensive therapy or surgery. However, conservative treatment methods do exist. One such example is traction therapy.

What Is Traction Therapy?

Traction therapy is a form of treatment used by chiropractors to help relieve back pain in patients. In this procedure, weights are used to stretch the spine, resulting in the release of compressed nerves. Traction therapy can be done either manually or mechanically, depending on the preference of both you and your chiropractor.

Manual Traction Therapy

Manual traction therapy is done without the use of tools. Through particular placement of your back, arms, and legs, the chiropractor will stretch the spine, resulting in immediate relief from back pain.

Mechanical Traction Therapy

In mechanical traction therapy, the chiropractor will use a specifically designed pulley to apply pressure to the spine. The added pressure causes the spine to stretch, giving the desired effect of pain relief.

Is Traction Therapy Safe?

While the stretching of the spine sounds dangerous, this procedure is entirely safe. Traction therapy has existed fornearly 5 thousand years with no evidence of any negative consequences.

What Conditions Can Traction Therapy Treat?

Although traction therapy can help anyone suffering from back pain, it is most commonly used to treat the following conditions:

  • Herniated Disc
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Arthritis in the Spine
  • Spondylosis
  • Spondylolisthesis

If you are suffering from back pain, ask your physician or chiropractor about traction therapy. Traction therapy may be able to relieve you from your back pain without the negative side effects associated with other treatment options.